Eagle High’s latest school play was a success

After many long hours of practice, Eagle High’s Drama Department put on their performance of “You Can’t Take It With You” from Feb. 22-Feb. 25.
Feb 28, 2023
Eagle High’s second school play opened on Feb. 22 and ran through Feb. 25. “You Can’t Take it with You” was the latest performance, and contained 19 cast members of all grade levels. shows Feb. 22-25.
These Eagle High actors are very talented and know exactly how to put on a good show. Their last play, “Newsies,” was a major success.
Their newest play was quite different from the first. Actors were able to showcase their diversity of acting ability throughout the play, “You Can’t Take it with You”. The play ran for two hours of pure enjoyment. Each character was drastically different than the other. The costuming was amazing this year as it felt like each character had a costume change or an additional prop to handle. The play was full of laugher as it portrayed the family dynamic of introducing another family into the picture because of marriage, with one family being proper and the other being running wild and crazy. When the two families got introduced all thoughts and feelings came out. It was nothing less than hilarious. The lead of the play, Penny Sycamore played by senior Taylor Berggren, stole the show with her fantastic acting ability and humor as she led the family dinner. Needless to say, the play was extraordinary and these Eagle High actors have a bright future ahead of them.
To prepare for opening day, they practiced about two hours every day after school. On Saturdays and days off, they tried to squeeze in 3-5 hours working on their play. Prior to the showing of the play, actors were asked what they were most excited for about the play.
“In the play, I am a 40-year-old man who essentially came to the house and stayed ever since,” said senior Domenyk Denney. “I am most excited to wear a toga in the play.”
This year, many cast members got to wear more wild apparel for the play.
“My favorite thing about working with my amazing cast members is seeing everyone’s characters coming to life. The play, as well coming to life, is very rewarding,” Denney said.
Another cast member was asked about the school play before it happened.
“I play Penny Sycamore, who is the mom of the family,” said senior Taylor Berggren. “This play is special because there are so much more fun, quirky and lovable characters than in past plays.” The number one best thing about being a part of the school play according to many cast members is that they are all good friends.
“There isn’t one person in the cast that I don’t feel comfortable with and can go talk to; it’s great,” Berggren said.
There are a lot of elements needed to create a play. First, actors need to be casted. Actors in the play have to audition and their part is chosen by the director. Then after casting. the stage needs to be set. Costumes are then procured and bring the play to life. After lots and lots of practice, the show is ready to go on.
Here is the cast from “You Can’t Take it With You:”
Taylor Berggren as Penny Sycamore (Senior)
Katie Windsor • Mar 6, 2023 at 1:38 pm
Lovely write up on this wonderful play and it’s talented actors. Their recognition is well deserved!