The month of October is known as the spooky season, and autumn events have appeared in everyone’s lives. “The Stampede” has covered various October excitements. Nevertheless, one of the most significant...
Halloween is a fan-favorite holiday with candy, costumes and fun. Trick-or-treating is a big part of this holiday, but it has been an ongoing debate about what age is too old for trick-or-treating. Is...
As the leaves begin to fall and the air turns crisp, it’s beginning to be that time of the season where settling in and watching some Halloween movies is the perfect activity for a cozy night. Whether...
As Halloween approaches, the debate over whether the most frightening night of the year should be a day off is gaining traction. Many people believe after hundreds of years of celebration, Halloween deserves...
Everyone loves a good, scary movie, with Halloween approaching, horror movies will be at the top of the watch list. The classics are coming back, and new releases follow for a good scary season. Brand-new...
“Boo!” There goes the basic trick or treater wearing a white sheet over their head walking down the street, holding a pillowcase as a candy bag, looking more like a bedding set than a ghost. But on...
October is home to some of the greatest, scary Halloween movies ever made. These flicks create controversy between the best movie to watch during the Halloween season. From movies like “A Quiet Place,”...
Dressing up for Halloween has always been a highlight of the holiday. As students get older, they still want to be festive in the Halloween season. Since students are too old to trick-or-treat, dressing...
Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year. At Eagle High, it is anticipated to be one of the most exciting social events of the school year. Many students will spend months before Halloween planning...
Not long ago, teenagers were in elementary school looking for the perfect Halloween costume to go trick-or-treating in. Halloween is a holiday that gives adults nostalgia about the traditions they had...
The Festival of Samhain is the oldest form of Halloween; the Celtic holiday started nearly 2,000 years ago. Samhain was celebrated at the end of every harvest.
According to, “Halloween’s...