Senior project should keep the focus on the community

Liv Bak

Seniors Dallas Sargent and Sydney Ker focused on the dangers of deforestation for their senior project.

Julia Denton, Reporter

Senior project is among one of the most dreaded school assignments of all time. While all students across the country take part in some sort of a project, there is a wide variety of types. Senior projects can usually contain elements of future careers, addressing the world’s issues or community service.  

The point of senior project is to challenge students to make a difference, learn things about their community and get involved. This year at Eagle High, the senior project was completely service based. Groups partnered with organizations to make positive changes in the community. Some projects centered around foster care, homelessness and special education programs while others were more focused on environmental or political issues. No matter what topic the project was about, the common theme was that Eagle High students were out working to make the community a better place. 

“I thought it was s really special to help people that don’t have as much and get involved in my community,” said senior Morgan Smith. “It was cool to see the impact that we had made on people that needed help.” Smith and her senior project group worked with Rock Harbor Church to talk about mental health issues in the community. They then helped revamp a mental health resource app that contained everything from podcasts to affirmations.  

Seniors Carter Davis, Linnea Greco, Kate Mahoney, Will Tadje and Sebi Tapia helped Family Advocates of Boise.


While students like Smith spend time volunteering and helping others, this project forced them into taking on a larger role and challenge. They got to see just how big of an impact they could make on their community with the skills and experience they already had.  

Some groups focused on helping the environment for their projects.

Many schools are starting to switch from a community service project to a project centered around students’ future careers. In this case, students would no longer be required to take part in a service opportunity and would just have to research and investigate the field of work that they want to go into. While a career project has benefits relating to helping students find what they want to do after high school, seeing an impact that one made on their community will have better long-lasting effects on that student.  

A smaller career project would be a great addition to senior year, but it should not completely replace the service project.  

According to, “Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career, and even feel happier and healthier.” Giving back to one’s community is vital to skills later in life and is important to learn at a young age.