Mustang Merch has re-opened with more variety

Liv Baker

The store stands out in the halls thanks to the eye-catching mural that was painted by senior Jake Mortimer.

The student-run merchandise store is up and running again with more variety and additional products. Last year, students that took the Business Ownership and Entrepreneurship class started the first Eagle High merchandise store. They sold items ranging from sweatshirts to hats to specialized items for themed football games.  

Many students took part in purchasing items from Mustang Merch for upcoming sporting events or just to get spirit wear. During the football season, the merchandise store hit its stride coming out with new designs each week and bringing in crowds of customers. As the season came to an end, Mustang Merch fizzled out for a period of time. Now, in the height of basketball season, and with the beginning of spring sports, students are pleased to see that Mustang Merch has recently re-opened.

Senior Avery Charles looks adorable wearing a shirt from Mustang Merch. (Liv Baker)

“I am excited for it to open again and see what they will be selling,” said senior Kenzie Rhoden. “I hope that there is a larger variety of products this time and that they are less themed so that I can wear them more than once.” 

Having a student-run merchandise store is a unique experience that adds a fun aspect to high school that not all people get.  

“For me, Mustang Merch has been an amazing experience because of getting to learn entrepreneurial skills with a real-world application,” said senior Noah Alford. Alford has taken all the prerequisite courses and is now in the Mustang Merch class, where he gets to work with his advisor, teacher Joe Gossi, and other students to create and sell merchandise to students. With the re-opening of the store, the Mustang Merch class has just now started selling an energy drink they call Zap.  

“The newest product we are selling is our energy drink, Zap which is a Red Bull energy drink, and the buyer gets to decide which flavor of syrup they want added in,” said Alford. “We have a wide range of flavors, and all drinks will only be four dollars on Fridays.” Alford also mentioned that students wanting to know more information should check out the Mustang Merch Instagram. 

As the weather changes and spring sports begin, students will be looking for new Eagle High spirit wear to help cheer on their favorite teams. Mustang Merch is an amazing asset that is appreciated by the faculty and student body. The store is located in the upstairs gym foyer area. Gossi and students like Alford have put in great effort to make this store work and to help students make memorable moments as Mustangs.