Eagle High students have many wishes this Christmas
Nov 28, 2022
Christmas is widely considered the best time of the year, with snow, hot chocolate and presents. Students from Eagle High are all asking for exciting gifts this year, in hopes of receiving them on Christmas Day. The following students shared their wishes:

Junior Cole Johnson: Nike clothes and a pair of shoes
Senior Brecken Hardy: Vinyl for her record player
Freshman Paxton Modjeski: Xbox
Junior Zach Shipp: Golf clubs
Senior Bess Moore: Record player
Sophomore Andrew Palfreyman: Basketball shoes
Sophomore Mason Mitchell: Boston Celtics jersey
Junior Rhett Brown: Climbing shoes and climbing chalk bag
Junior Grace Rasmussen: Car
Senior Alex Moore: Clothes and shoes
Junior Ashton Smith: Pair of skis
Senior Cameron Lane: Boots and camo stuff for hunting
Sophomore Beau Sahr: Golf shoes and a golf bag
Senior Jake Longson: Ski boots, clothes and a beanie
Senior Scott Pattee: Moped and clothes
Junior Brennan Burcham: Hoodies, shoes and a car
Senior Dominic Grossi: Columbia clothes and Birkenstocks
Freshman Abby Shipp: Clothes and ski gear
Senior Aaron Jeppson: Car and a PS5
Junior Lily Shipp: Tickets to a concert
Junior Hudson Vanalfen: Basketball shoes and other basketball gear, clothes and tickets to a basketball game