Eagle High’s boys’ basketball team started their season in November and have been working hard in practice to be the best they can. Their roster of fourteen players offers a lot of strength and talent...
Eagle High’s varsity cheer team had their first competition at Nampa High on Dec. 16. After putting in countless hours of work to get ready for this competition during the summer, the team finally got...
With the winter coming closer and closer every day, it’s a good time to have the final check-in with how the fall sports teams did over their season.
The Mustang football team...
Swimming is a fun leisure activity to many, with many fun games and activities associated with the traditionally American pastime. But like with all athletic sports, some take swimming to a higher, turning...
With the first quarter already being over, winter is finally here, which means winter sports are ready to begin. Coach Michael Stone is this year’s head coach for the Eagle High wrestling team, and the...