The Eagle High drama department went to State in December of 2024. The competition was held in Twin Falls, Idaho. The team had so much fun bonding with each other and was able to win third place in one of the categories.
“State is a theater competition among drama categories,” said sophomore Lily Towne. Towne explained that some of the drama categories that competed at State were Ensemble Humorous, Ensemble Serious and Costume Design. Eagle High had students in the Ensemble Serious and the Costume Design categories.
“Almost our whole team competed, which was around 13 people,” Towne said. Towne, along with other members of the Eagle High drama department, competed in the Costume Design category.
“Eagle High won third place in the Ensemble Serious category which was pretty good because our team was really small,” Towne said. The fact that the Eagle High team was smaller than the other teams and was still able to win third place in Ensemble Serious makes their victory even more impressive.
“The best part of the trip was that we were all able to hang out. We are all really close, so it was super fun to be able to grow even closer because of the trip,” Towne said.
Towne’s favorite part of the competition was being able to travel with her teammates and spend time with them. Towne and her teammates were able to share a lot of memories together which allowed them to have some funny stories to tell and events to look back on.
Because of State, the drama team was able to achieve an impressive victory and grow even closer to each other than they were before.