Eagle High’s Thundering Mustang band had a rehearsal and game on Jan. 16 at 6:30 p.m.
BPA attended regionals that took place on Jan. 11 at Kuna High. The Club is also preparing for State which is the first weekend of March.
HOSA is preparing for their regional competition on Jan. 25.
Key Club
Key Club’s next event will be held on Jan. 29, which is a babysitting day for teachers’ kids.
Knit and Crochet
Knit and Crochet club is starting to work on their service project this month.
The only thing that NHS has going on right now is they have their first meetings Jan. 22 and 29 at lunch, for all members. It is their first meeting of Semester 1 and required by all. They will partner with The Meridian Food Bank, Giraffe Laugh and school organizations like STUCO, Sources of Strength and Key Club again this semester for a new round of service opportunities for all NHS members.
Speech and debate
At the Canyon County Classic Speech and Debate Tournament at Caldwell High, many students placed in the Speech Tournament. In Original Oratory, freshman Sarah Baird placed second and freshman James Bennett got third. In the Panel Discussion, senior Savannah Bub got second, and senior Jacob Cohen got third place.
Student Council
STUCO just finished planning and preparing for Battle of the Bolt which was on Jan. 9. They spent a lot of time and effort on this project. The students are now planning for Prom and the spring Make-A-Wish assembly.
The Women Innovators Club
The Women Innovators Club is designed to offer support and opportunities for students interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Right now, their focus is to curate events that provide opportunities for students to get more involved in the field. In the future, they aim to expand their efforts to students in the middle school and elementary school levels to promote more interest in STEM. An example of an event that they’ve had in the past was a private tour of the Idaho Forensics Laboratory and Astronomy Nights. This semester, they will be attending the annual SheTech Conference held at the College of Idaho and will also be bringing in various speakers that are professionals in STEM fields. Another event they’re working on is a mentorship day where club members will shadow a student at BSU for a day, who is currently studying a STEM-related field at BSU.
The Yearbook staff is in production mode, working on covering as many students as possible in the 2024 to 2025 yearbook. As people start to think about course selection, the yearbook staff would like to explain a little about the process of joining Yearbook. To be recruited to the program, Ms. Thornton sends out an email to the students she views would be a good fit to help produce the yearbook each year. After receiving an email, the student must fill out a form that has them write why they want to join. Part of the form includes getting three teacher recommendations, one being the student’s past English teacher. If anyone is interested in being a part of the Yearbook staff, see Ms. Thornton in E214.