Senior Jimmy Larsen is unlike any other student at Eagle High, he works hard to ensure the success of events and the daily activity in Eagle High. Larsen has been spreading positivity through Eagle High since his time as a freshman. Larsen has an ever-expanding set of jobs and responsibilities that he takes overwhelming pride in. He takes many classes and studies several subjects here at Eagle High, such as pottery, Intro to Culinary Arts, math and various subjects with teacher Scott Deck.
“Jimmy is an outstanding student. He has previously taken Foods and Nutrition, and he is in Intro to Culinary Arts right now, with me,” said culinary teacher Leta Kipper. “If I had to describe Jimmy, then I would say he is hardworking, joyful and does everything the right way. He works at a very high level; he is a joy to be around.”

On top of his academic responsibilities, he is also involved in many of the schools’ sport programs. He works closely with the Eagle High Football program as a waterboy and as the equipment manager. This may be his favorite job, as he said he cherishes the time he gets to spend with the coaches, players and program in whole.
“I have known him [Jimmy Larsen] since his start here as a freshman. He is very loyal to his school and community. He is bursting with school pride and love for others,” said school secretary Rachel McEwen. “Jimmy is one of my teacher’s assistants and he is always ready to jump and help however he is able to. That, I think, is the best way to describe Jimmy.”
Larsen spends a large amount of time assisting in the counseling office and the front office. He often delivers notes and other items to classrooms. He does what he can do to be helpful and productive.

“Since I have met Jimmy Larsen, he has been nothing but helpful and kind,” said junior vice principal Marc Lannon.
From bursting school spirit and an abundance of positivity, Larsen has become very well-known and liked at Eagle High. One can see the evidence of this all-around the school. Whether one spots his photo plastered in various places on the school walls, or noticed his new accomplishment, winning senior homecoming prince. Nobody can say it better than Larsen himself.
“I love helping everybody make their day happy. I love working with the principals and with Mr. Deck, pottery, Chef Kipper, and everybody at Eagle. I just want to help everybody and make everybody happy,” Larsen said.