At Eagle High, many students demonstrate great examples in academics and getting involved in school activities. One such example is sophomore Lily Towne with a 4.0 GPA while also being an Assistant Stage Manager for the school’s The Fourth Wall Players theater team and a member of Sources of Strength, a mental health and suicide prevention organization. Towne has been a member of the Sources of Strength club since her freshman year.
It is clear that Towne is a motivated and disciplined individual that is very involved with the school while also maintaining her grades.
“Discipline gets you further than motivation. Find a time of day when your brain is most active and get your work done, even if you do not feel like it,” said sophomore Lily Towne.
Towne firmly believes that discipline is the most important aspect for success. She thinks that when one pushes themselves to do something, they will go further than waiting for motivation to arise as sometimes motivation is not always there.
“While work is important, making sure to have fun will prevent you from burning out,” Towne said. Leaving room for fun activities will make sure to keep burnout at bay. Towne shared some more advice for balancing school and home life. She believes leaving one day a week free from schoolwork, if possible, will help so much with maintaining relationships with family and friends and that is what she does with her days off. She is loved by family and friends for her funny and upbeat personality.
Towne also believes that caring about school is key. Making sure to pay attention in class and helping to foster a good learning environment for other students is a great way to excel in school.
“Hold yourself accountable. Even if school does not matter as much to you, it matters to others so don’t disrupt the classroom so that others can pay attention in class,” Towne said.
Being disciplined while also making sure to have fun are some of Towne’s most important pieces of advice. Following all these tips is how Towne excels in school and balances her academic and personal life.