Fashion is a topic that changes and evolves as time moves forward. Things become fads and pass by; they leave just as quickly or become so iconic that they are a staple. Many of these trends have laid their own foundation over the course of this year.

With summer just around the corner, the result is various styles going out of the mix due to the upcoming warm weather. Outfits that include outerwear and layers such as Carhartt jackets and vests will most likely be phased out because of the weather warming up. It’s likely that the very maximum appearance of outfits of the winter season will be replaced with a more subtle, minimalist look.
Pulling from the trends of last year, it’s likely that there are things that will come back into style for the warmer temperatures like jorts (jean shorts) and Birkenstocks.
“I think jorts will really come into play, as well as your typical summer wear including short shorts, ‘wife’ beaters and Birkenstocks, crewnecks too,” said junior Brenden Ordaz. Ordaz believes that summer wear will slowly incorporate itself and influence many people with the warmer season rolling around.
Skate-wear and streetwear has made its impression on Eagle High students, with various students around the school wearing a very popular model called Twin Cannons from a streetwear brand called JNCO, which stands for “Judge None Choose One.” JNCO is a brand that was popular in the ‘90s and has seemingly revived itself and brought back a unique style that includes interesting designs and is most known for their distinctive pants with large leg-openings.
‘90s fashion has seemingly become fairly popular in the past year. While some agree that people will look back into the past for ideas on fashion, others also believe that people will look towards the future as well.
“The ‘90s are big right now, so in the next decade, the 2000s will be popular,” said teacher Mike Corbett, “I remember in the ‘90s everyone was back to the ‘60s, and a few years ago, everyone was wearing ‘70s clothes. So, I think that we will keep going back 20 or 30 years and resurrecting those clothes from the past.” Corbett, while maintaining the fact that clothes will always be recycled from the past and influence the future of fashion, also believes that the future will also influence fashion.
“I think in the future, what will be more wearable, is technology. Cause right now people have those smartwatches,” Corbett said. “You can bet in the future they’ll have those visors in school, instead of watching movies on the screen, everyone will say, ‘everyone put on your Google glasses and watch this movie.’”
Summer and temperatures rising is very promising for fashion and brings a new outlook on if styles will stick, or if they will fade away. One can only imagine what new and innovative styles will influence the future of fashion in general and in the near future.