As the end of the year creeps up on students, everyone starts to feel the drag of school. Many seniors experience this first hand, which is commonly known as Senioritis and usually leads to a lack of motivation to even come to school.
Yet, there are many things’ people can do to combat this feeling, some being more effective than others, starting off with the common ideas, such as starting a new planner or motivating with some new playlists.
Many can agree that setting goals that are within reach can be very effective, such as setting out to get a grade up or planning to do well on a test. To take this method a step further, for every assignment completed, try taking a break for 20 minutes to shop on a fun website.
If that doesn’t work, talk to friends, and set up a system where everyone holds each other accountable for doing each other’s work. A group chat works or set up a Word doc where you all put down assignments and keep track of each other’s task completion. The same thing can be done with parents, yet friends tend to be more motivating.
“A way I’ve combatted Senioritis is by trying to hold myself accountable and I’ve definitely been able to do so with the help of my best friend Angelina,” said senior Jaedynn Hodge.
Struggling to even start work can be a huge part of the problem. Instead of looking at how long an assignment will take to complete, student can just start with three minutes. Pick a song and work on that project for the whole song and either continue working on it, or switch to a different task with a different song.
“Senioritis comes in waves because some days I’m like oh its fine I can totally last until May,” said senior Paige France. “Then other days I’m like I cannot do another day of school.”
Some of France’s favorite ways to combat this is telling herself that if she goes to school, she can get an iced coffee at lunch. France uses applying to scholarships for college and thinking about her future as another motivator.
Most can fall victim to skipping class, and it does usually sound appealing. Yet, remember school is important to the future. The pain of regret will always be worse than the pain of discipline. Think about all the other goals and ambitions that are only achievable with school.
Overall, motivation at the end of year is a tough cycle. Yet, in the end, its worth it. The break is just around the corner, so take these last couple weeks to push. This is the final stretch of the semester and the time to finalize everything.