Although this month’s pet of the month may not be as exotic as last month’s hedgehog, sophomore Gunner BaconRind decided to share some details about his two Dachshund wiener dogs, or as he calls them, wiener “dawgs”.

BaconRind and his parents saw an advertisement for wiener dogs, and they instantly fell in love with how funny these dogs looked, and they finally decided to adopt one. This wiener dog was then named Missy. Missy is currently 10 and a half years old, and is the longer haired dog of the two BaconRind owns. BaconRind’s other wiener dog, named Princess is actually the daughter of Missy. Princess is currently eight years old and has a great relationship with her mother, Missy.
Although some may think wiener dogs wouldn’t be the cuddliest dog, BaconRind said otherwise and enjoys spending time with his two dogs.
“My favorite thing about them is how cuddly they are or how funny they can be sometimes,” he said.
Missy and Princess both live inside, however they love to venture outside into the open air sometimes.

“When one [dog] goes outside, the other will as well,” said BaconRind.
Although BaconRind loves his wiener dogs, he says the only drawback is the fact that both of his dogs will bark at anything that they don’t immediately recognize. However the pros of Missy and Princess definitely outweigh this small con.
“I think weenie dawgs are the best lap dog breed, and they’re the funniest dog to watch and also the most cuddly… I don’t think I’d rather have any other pet,” BaconRind said.
It is clear that BaconRind’s wiener dogs, Missy and Princess hold a special place in his heart and will continue to for years to come.