With the new school year just starting, what better way to get to know other Eagle High students than by getting to know their pet? Junior Marin Weaver decided to share some details about her exquisite and exotic pet.
Weaver has many pets, she owns two frogs, a dog, a bunny, a turtle and the most exotic of all, a hedgehog. Weaver originally got her hedgehog roughly two years ago when she saw one in need of rescue in Texas.
“If I didn’t rescue her, she would’ve been found by someone else because hedgehogs are in high demand,” Weaver said.
One of the reasons for hedgehogs being in such high demand is because they are exotic pets. In fact, owning a hedgehog as a pet is illegal in a number of states including California, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Hawaii.
Weaver then named her new, rescued pet hedgehog, Mocha. Mocha is currently two-and-a-half years old and lives in a large cage within Weaver’s room. Although hedgehogs are spiky, Mocha still loves to cuddle and the quills are only on their back. The front stomach of the hedgehog is soft fur like any dog or cat.
“She’s so tiny but has the biggest personality ever and likes to cuddle and loves crickets,” Weaver said.
Mocha’s quills, or often referred to as spikes, are out when the hedgehog is upset. When a hedgehog is not upset, the quills retract inward and are not as spiky. However, Mocha’s spikes do fall out from time to time, and they do cause Weaver a sharp pain when she accidentally steps on them.
“Hedgehogs are the most underrated animal and I think everyone should have them,” Weaver said.
Weaver loves cuddling with Mocha and enjoys all of her pets, but Mocha will always have a special place in her heart.