The conflict of climate change in schools around the nation leads to controversy

Aaron Farfan

More stories from Aaron Farfan

Kara Skiles

Science teacher Sally Pham presents a slide about the Greenhouse Effect to students learning about climate change.

There are many things discussed by school boards. This can vary from bullying to academics. One of the many things discussed which is controversial is whether climate change can be taught in schools. 

The main point of controversy around climate change is the belief that it’s not an immediate threat. Humans adapt to present and life-threatening situations. When it comes to a future threat, seeing something less threatening in terms of a graph or paper makes the human brain feel more at ease. 

According to, “Global warming is a slow-motion disaster on a global scale. Our brains aren’t built to respond to planetary crisis stretched over a lifetime.” 

What is unfortunate is that many of the people who do not believe in climate change or see the issue with it are generally the type of people to not listen to others, possibly poorly educated from school or parents. 

As the years have gone by, however, more and more schools have included climate change in the education of students and teachers. 

According to, “Roughly around 75% of public-school science teachers in the U.S. teach about climate change.” 

It is good to teach new generations about the different ways to help with climate change and what they can do to help the earth last longer so that its inhabitants can survive longer.  

After a few more years, most to all schools around the world will be teaching about climate change and sooner or later people will start seeing the change before their eyes.