UK Prime Minister resigns after only six weeks
Liz Truss now holds the record for shortest term as Prime Minister in British history
After less than a year, Elizabeth Truss resigns and Rishi Sunak gets appointed as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Nov 28, 2022
After a brief 44 days in office, Liz Truss, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has quit the position. Being sworn in by Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 6, Truss stepped down on Oct. 20.
Prior to her resignation, Truss was undergoing an immensely stressful controversy relating to her failed economic plan that spiraled into chaos. This plan involved her wanting to cut the taxes of the richest people in the UK and sparked major backlash from the public. Her idea was to use a form of trickle-down economics to help the economy, similar to those of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
The pressure seemed to have been too much, prompting her to quit.
According to, Truss called herself “a fighter, not a quitter,” just one day before.
The UK, while searching for a new Prime Minister to take Truss’s place, had votes divided between former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to step into the position. On Oct. 25, Sunak was elected and is now the current UK Prime Minister.
According to, Sunak has promised to bring back to Britain “integrity, professionalism and accountability.”
Many have faith in Sunak and hope to see him perform well as Truss’ replacement.