West Ada School District is changing their requirements for students to graduate as well as to participate in graduation events. While the reasons West Ada is changing their policies makes sense from the district’s point of view, it does not benefit all students, which should be the first priority.
According to 33rdsquare.com, “Tax revenue to school districts is based on enrollment counts.” This means that in order for the district to get more money for the schools, they need to have more students in their classes. This new change means that the schools in the district need to have students at the buildings to make money, which is most likely why some of their policies are changing.
According to idahoednews.org, “West Ada is estimated to lose 18 million dollars in funding since Idaho will move from enrollment-based to attendance-based funding.” This means that instead of schools getting money for each student enrolled in the school, each student needs to be physically in individual classes at the schools, rather than just being in attendance on any given day. This also shows that if West Ada does not have more students in classrooms, they will lose money in funding. This will affect next year’s senior class
According to westada.org, “Students can be a part of the commencement ceremonies if they satisfy graduation eligibility or a student’s individualized Graduation Plan. However, students also have to be enrolled full-time at the school in both semesters of high school.” The biggest change is the fact that students now have to be enrolled full-time both semesters of their senior year, only giving seniors one release period per day per semester.
Besides this major change, West Ada will count seminary, a church class usually taken by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as well as other religious releases, as a release period. This means that students who have religious releases senior year will not be able to have another release period.
Not only is the school counting seminary as a release period, but the IDLA and online school policies have changed. The new policy regarding online school is that as long as the course is offered at the school, students must take it in-person unless students have previously failed that course. Of course, these changes will only affect students who wish to participate in the graduation ceremony.
“As long as you meet graduation requirements, you will get your diploma,” said counselor Sydney Nachtweih. “If you are not in 12 of 14 classes, you will not be able to participate in the graduation ceremony.”
If students decide to become less than full time students, they must sign paperwork that says, “I understand that I am enrolling as a less than full-time student and based on West Ada Policy 603.21 may not be able to participate in the commencement (graduation) ceremony.” This reinforces what Nachtweih said.
These new policies should not stop students from being able to participate in graduation ceremonies. It is understandable, though, that for the schools to function and improve, they must change their policies, since without money the schools will not be able to pay staff, fund sports or buy new equipment and other things to help students at the school. However, the district should still be looking out for what is best for the students and what the students want.