Christmas music is a great way to spread the joy of the season and get people in the Christmas spirit, so when is it acceptable to play these tunes?
Christmas decorations can be seen popping up in stores, neighborhoods and other public places as soon as Halloween is over, so Christmas music should start at the same time. If other elements of the Christmas holiday can be seen on Nov. 1, then it must be appropriate for holiday music to follow the same trend.
With this being true, others disagree and think Christmas music shouldn’t be played until after Thanksgiving.
“Christmas music should not start until after Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving is a holiday too, and should not be interrupted by Christmas,” said sophomore Marshall Blades.

It is true that Thanksgiving is a holiday that deserves to be celebrated, but Thanksgiving will not be ruined if Christmas music is played before it is over. Furthermore, Christmas music is perfectly appropriate to be played after Halloween because Thanksgiving music is not really a thing, so those in the mood for some festive music can turn to Christmas music instead.
“Christmas music has no limit,” said sophomore Savannah Avila. “It should at least be acceptable to play when Halloween is over.”
According to Avila, it should be acceptable to play Christmas music all year round. While that may be a stretch for most people, playing Christmas music once Halloween is over is a bit more reasonable.
Christmas music is a festivity that many enjoy, so why wait until after Thanksgiving to play it? Besides, the Thanksgiving turkey will still taste the same if Christmas music is playing in the background.