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Eagle High adheres to a new phone vault policy

A new district policy this year requires that students place their phones in the “phone vault” at the beginning of each period. “Phone vaults” in every classroom across the West Ada school district are full at the beginning of each class period.
A new district policy this year requires that students place their phones in the “phone vault” at the beginning of each period. “Phone vaults” in every classroom across the West Ada school district are full at the beginning of each class period.
Dallin Snooks

On May 13, 2024, West Ada School District adopted Administrative Regulation 0502.80.  This regulation has been adopted by all West Ada schools and explains the new policies and rules of phone usage.  This policy was implemented at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.   

According to, phones are not allowed to be on a student’s person during instructional periods and must be placed in a designated area that is assigned by the instructor.  The website includes all information on the new phone procedures that will take place in classrooms throughout the district.   

This new district-wide policy was appointed by the Board of Trustees along with Superintendent, Dr. Bub.  The board believes that this new regulation will help minimize the number of disruptions in the educational environment. 

Although the board believes that this new procedure will be helpful, many students and even teachers disagree.  Students do easily get distracted in classes, but also rely on their phones as a resource. 

“I think the phone vault has definitely impacted my learning in different ways.  Not having my phone on me has made me more focused academically, but it is also convenient having my phone as a resource in classes such as a calculator, or if I need to look something up,” said senior Ja’Davian Rhoden.  Many students have disliked the phone policy and believe it is an inconvenience.  Although it does help students focus more on school work, many students believe that their phones could be used as an academic tool for things like research or group work.  Students also use their phones often to take note of when assignments are due or to write down important dates for classes. 

Even though everyone might not see eye to eye on this new policy, it will continue to be enforced in all West Ada schools.  The board of West Ada hopes that this new procedure will produce more academically focused students.  They also believe that students not having their phones on their person will help create a longer attention span for students.   

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